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Showing posts from April, 2021
// Assuming you have fetched the search query and blog posts // Function to calculate the similarity score between search query and post function calculateSimilarity(query, post) { // You can use a similarity algorithm here, like TF-IDF or cosine similarity // Return a score that represents how relevant the post is to the query } // Function to suggest relevant posts based on search query function suggestPosts(searchQuery, blogPosts) { const suggestedPosts = []; for (const post of blogPosts) { const similarityScore = calculateSimilarity(searchQuery, post); if (similarityScore > 0) { suggestedPosts.push({ post, similarityScore }); } } // Sort the suggested posts based on similarity score suggestedPosts.sort((a, b) => b.similarityScore - a.similarityScore); // Return the sorted list of suggested posts return =>; } // Example usage const searchQuery = "your search query"; const allBlogPosts = [/* array of your blog posts */]; const suggestedPosts = suggestPosts(searchQuery, allBlogPosts); // Now you can display suggestedPosts to the user